Understand Various Designed Ladder

Ladder Duty Ratings, Working Load and its Limitation

Ladders are built and designed to support a certain amount of weight safely. Duty ratings were setup to provide some guidance and standards governing the use of portable ladders in various types and styles.

Ladder styles include stepladders, step stools, combination ladders, platform ladders, single pole ladders and extension ladders.

Each duty rating relates to a correlating maximum weight capacity (or load capacity) that the ladder can safely carry. The maximum weight or load is the combination of several factors:

  • Your weight
  • Weight of clothing and protective gear you’re wearing
  • Weight of tools and supplies being used and stored on the ladder
There are Three Categories of Ladder Duty Ratings, Here in Malaysia:
90kg Working Load 110kg Working Load 150kg Working Load

Choosing the right working load will help you to use your ladder confidently in the safest possible way. No matter what projects you are involved in, we have a ladder that suits your needs and your safety.

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